The new moon is due on Friday, which will mark the beginning of a new cycle. Right now we are in the waning moon phase, which coincides with the luteal phase of our cycle and is also known as our inner autumn. Our appetite peaks during the luteal phase and this tends to be the time those chocolate cravings kick in too. We’re also prone to being a bit forgetful or absent minded during this phase due to plunging oestrogen levels. If you’re looking for your sunglasses, they’re probably on top of your head... your phone? You’re talking on it!
Dropping oestrogen levels can also make us feel a bit achy and we might start wondering if we’re coming down with something. Whilst it’s important all month long, this is definitely the time you’ll want to be vigilant about taking your Lifelong Vitality Supplements... and it’s a great time to put fish on the menu.
We tend to think of this phase as when we are most likely to be grouchy and whilst that can be true, the silver lining is, it’s also a time when we are more in touch with our feelings. We tend to be more heart centred and confident to be our authentic selves, even if it means getting messy. Our detective skills are sharper this week too and we can spot a lie from a mile off. We often gain new insights on a situation during our inner autumn.
In nature during autumn the leaves are changing colour as the trees are preparing to shed them. The lesson from nature is to take the time to notice how things are changing both within you and around you. As much as it is possible, it’s time to start slowing down.
Oils I love to work with during week 4 are: Lavender, Wild Orange, Geranium, Bergamot, Juniper Berry, Frankincense, Clary Sage and Clary Calm.
Week 4 Moon phase: Waning Inner Season: Autumn