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Writer's pictureTanika McLennan


I was reminded of two important lessons recently when I shared a vulnerable post about the fact that I was in pain and feeling sorry for myself. My message was, that no matter who you are, not every day is rainbows and butterflies and it isn't realistic to expect that... at least that's what I thought I was conveying!

Lots of people reached out to me to offer support and they each did it in a beautiful way. What was interesting to me was, they each saw that post through their own lens. I had people relating to the pain of PCOS and a ruptured cyst, people simply checking in on me and letting me know they cared, people sharing their own health challenges with me, people "congratulating" me for being brave enough to share and people getting vulnerable right back with me about their mental health and/or their concern for mine. It was an eye opening and humbling reminder that even though each of those people read the same post, they each saw it from their own perspective, just as I did when I wrote it.

But the other thing it reminded me of was a Brene Brown quote “Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.” If you want to open a dialogue with someone, today or any day, and truly connect with them, you have to be prepared to get vulnerable yourself. It can feel scary to do that but trust me, the reward is so worth it!

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