This is potentially going to be a controversial post but someone has to say it! It's International Women's Day today and I'm all for celebrating sisterhood and women's achievements but why do we need a special day for it, shouldn’t we do that any day it is warranted? And how is it helping to create gender equality?
The spiel on the IWD website starts with "Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality". OK stop right there! So we want gender equality AND to celebrate our differences??? That’s a bit contradictory isn’t it?
Don't get me wrong, I actually agree but it’s a confusing message - women who do the same job as men should be paid the same and of course women should be able to vote and all of the other great progress we've made towards a "gender equal world”. But the reality is, men and women ARE actually different and those differences are worth nurturing. In some ways I feel like this whole movement has reached a point where it’s doing more harm than good. In our pursuit of equality we’ve actually created a reverse discrimination situation. Women get shamed for wanting to take on a more traditional gender role, don’t ever share that you want to be a stay at home mum will you, just get those kids shipped off to daycare and get back into the workforce or you’ll face the judgement of society. And poor men don’t know where they stand half the time! Are they supposed to be providers and protectors or is that considered condescending? Are they supposed to help us when we can’t lift something and they are physically stronger or are they supposed to stand back and watch us struggle to prove that we can do anything a man can? Are they even allowed to approach us in a bar anymore or is that just going to be seen as predatory behaviour?
When do we celebrate men for being men? Surely that would be the “gender equal” thing to do wouldn’t it? I googled it and there actually is an International Men's Day, it's 19th November, but if you're anything like me, you've probably never seen or heard any mention of it.
The crazy thing is, most men I know are actually good men. They aren’t out there oppressing women or acting like predators. I know the latter do exist, I’ve been on the receiving end as have most women but rather than focus on the minority, I want to praise the majority, who are navigating this crazy ride with us… just as I also want to acknowledge all the amazing women out there.
So here’s to all of the good HUMANS in the world 🥂
And the irony is, I’m a guest speaker at an IWD event tomorrow!!! Wish me luck, I might need it 🍀