Did you know that there is actually a lot of science relating to how essential oils impact emotions and can help with any number of mental health issues? The aromatic compounds in the oils dissolve on the lining of the olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity, stimulating receptors in the olfactory bulb which connects directly to the limbic system. In the limbic system there are various processes which take place - in the Amygdala we recognise our emotions, connect our emotions to behaviour, do our emotional learning and store our emotional memory including any trauma we have experienced.
Because of this, if we inhale essential oils with specific properties we can support ourselves in healing from emotional issues.
If you feel down and unmotivated, try inhaling a citrus oil or blend like Citrus Bliss. Citrus oils are high in uplifting compounds.
Conversely, if you suffer from anxious feelings try inhaling an oil high in calming properties such as Cedarwood, Lavender or my current favourite, Vetiver.
Just remember that the quality of your essential oils is an important factor in their effectiveness. Look for oils which have been sourced globally, from where they grow best and thoroughly third party tested to ensure their purity.