Hey moon babes, it’s a full moon and hands down, my favourite week of my cycle It’s ovulation time (unless you are a red moon cycler but we’ll talk about that in a future post). This phase is known as our inner summer. It’s the time of the month where we can cope with longer days and just generally start feeling a bit like super woman. All those seeds we sowed last week during our inner spring, have grown and the fruit is now ripe for the picking.
Physically this is our fertile time of the month. We’ll have the will power and endurance to see things through. We seem to be able to manifest our dreams with much more ease and flow and of course, we’re feeling a little more frisky.
This is the perfect time to host a dinner party or gathering as we’re usually feeling more extroverted during our inner summer... not to mention we’re happier to experiment in the kitchen.
Of course the risk of having all this energy is we can have a tendency to over commit or set unrealistic goals that maybe our summer selves could achieve but our autumn and winter selves will struggle with. Beware of setting your expectations too high for the short term but when it comes to long term goals, now is the time to dream them into life.
Oils I love to use during this phase? Anything citrus... and my favourite “fake citrus” oil, Litsea. There’s really nothing fake about Litsea (it’s just not a citrus oil), it’s known as the oil of manifestation and right now ladies, you are a manifesting queen! Adjust your crown, diffuse your Litsea and journal those dreams into reality.
Week 3 Moon Phase: Full Inner Season: Summer